Saturday, July 30, 2011

Progress thus far

CSS and HTML work perfectly in the Decl context now (if somewhat primitively) and so the building blocks for Websites are in place. I can even emit PHP in the right places, and collect Javascript and CSS into centrally organized files.

What I'm working on now is the macro/template system. This is the meat of the thing, and arguably the second Really Big Part of the Decl system. (The first being its very nature as an easily parsed, concise language for the construction of complex data structures.)

The macro system will essentially be the way that Decl can impose structure on any textual language, and it's going to be the way we build abstractions of site features (like "user signon system" or "forum") and page features (like "newsbox" or "navigation menu").

In other words, the project itself has now started.

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